The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born around 570 CE, on Monday, the 12th of Rab’i-ul Awwal in the year of the Elephant in Macca; he descended from a gracious family of Banu Hashim. Mohammad’s father (Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib), passed away at the age of 25 on a trading travel to Syria, leaving behind him a pregnant wife (Amenah bint Wahb). Amenah died when he was 6 years. His Grandfather (Abdu Al Mutalib) was the leader of Macce at that time; he took care of him till the age of 8 years. The custom at that time was that each child has his own nurse to breastfeed the child; his nurse was Halimah alsaadyeh from Banu Saad tribe. He spent 5 years with Halimah, during this 5 years an incident happened to him. Its was known as (The Splitting of his chest) According to Halimah the nurse of Mohammad Peace be upon him), when he was at the age of 5 years: he was playing out side suddenly Gabriel came took him away. Gabriel held him and tore his chest by taking out his heart from his chest, and removed all the hate hatred and the bad morals by washing his chest with basin made of gold with the water of ZamZam. Then preserved his chest and returned him where he was.  After the age of 5 years Mohammad peace be upon him went back to Macca to his mother Amenah, and after a year from moving to Mecca his mother Amenah bint Wahb passed away. As we said before his grandfather the leader of the tribe or the (shaikh of the tribe) took care of him till the age of 8; later his uncle took care of him (Abu Talib).

Mecca’s Map

AlHaram AlMecce

ZamZam (holy water)

Mohammad worked as a shepherd in his early life. He did not get any knowledge or education. His first wife Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) was a well known woman of dignity and riches. She had heard of his truth and honesty, so she offered him a job by taking her trades. At the age of 25 he was married to his wife kahidaja (40 years). Mohammad peace be upon him and Khadija’s marriage lasted 25 years until she reached the age of 65. khadija was his first wife and she was the mother of his children; he had from her 3 girls and 2 boys and another boy was from a different wife. He had 3 boys aL-Qasim, Abdullah, Ibrahim, and 3 girls Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom and Fatimah Zahra. He was well known to his honesty and faithfulness, and even non Muslims gave him a nick name for these manners. The name was (alsadiq alameen) which means the faithful honest man in Mecca.  His good qualities of regulation with spiritual cleanliness, rightness and satisfaction made everyone in Mecca love him. when Mohammad peace be upon him was 40 years old, Muhammad received his massage to become a prophet by receiving the Message of God through the Angel Gabriel; that day was the most auspicious day in the history of mankind. (Islamic Finder)

Sign of  Prophet-hood

Mohammad peace be upon him used to travel with his uncle for trading. At the age 13 HE went with his uncle to Syria, and a Monk called Bahira saw him and saw the sign on his back. He immediately asked his uncle how do you know this boy, and then Abu Talib said he is my son. The Monk Replayed and said his father shouldn’t be alive, and then his uncle told the Monk about the story. The Monk said well know you are telling me the truth, the monk end the conversation by saying (take him back come and be carefull take good care of him). (Islamic Finder)

Life, Views of non-Muslims


Unique Character

Evidence of Prophet-hood

His name is  (Mohammad. Ahmad. Almustafah) mainly The prophet was named by Mohammad Peace be Upon him.

In Arabic language:

In Arabic Language

A presentation about Mohammad peace be upon him summarize the main points about his early life….


A video about the prophet

4 Responses to “His Early Life”

  1. aalzahra said:

    Hi Gazal,
    In the second line (his from) it’s not clear.
    The story of (The Splitting of his chest) is run on-sentence.
    (After this the age of 5 years) you can say after the age of 5 without this.
    What do you mean by (his Amenah bint Wahb passed away).
    ( khadija was his first wife he had from her ) no connection between two sentence.
    (his good qualities of regulation with spiritual cleanliness,) you have to make full stop before this sentence.
    (At the age 13 we went with his uncle to Syria) did you went with them?
    (Sign of Prophet-hood) this paragraph is run-on sentence.
    Replayed it should start with small letter.
    shouldnt,,, shouldn’t or should not.
    anther boy. Another boy.
    from a different wife. he . He it should be capital letter. Also here (and Fatimah Zahra. he )

  2. nalluhid said:

    Hi! your writing is great . Also I like your picture choices.

  3. Ghania said:

    Great feedback Abdullah. I agree with his comments. There are some grammar errors and spelling errors on this page.

  4. Ghania said:

    Ghazal can you move the presentation and the video to the top of the page? This will put them uder the spotlight.

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